
2nd Issue-"Progress"

"Sometimes it feels like this world is spinning faster-Than it did in the old days-So naturally we have more natural disasters-From the strain of a fast pace--Sunday was the day of rest-Now its one more day for progress-And we can't slow down-Cause more is best-It's all an endless process" This is the first part of the song Mayberry by Rascal Flatts, and it maybe just a song but it does have a point that affects every day life. We are trying to advance all our technology and just want to move forward that we don't stop to look around us, we're not looking at how these "advances" are affecting our world, affecting the environment, how we interact, and many other thing.
Some of our advancements are hurting the world and we are not taking the time the time to pickup after ourselves. We are so worried about becoming more advanced that we take advantage of the world that we depend on. So we should be more aware of what our "progress" is doing to the world around us. For example many old computer models that have been out dated but are still usable are sent to third world land fills, where they are either disassembled or left there. Leaving the out dated computers in landfills is not a solution if you think of the space it uses up and how the toxins in the computers are seeping into the ground and flowing into the water supply of theses third world countries, which is making matters worse for them. Also when computers and other devices, such as cell phones, are incinerated the toxins pollute our air supply.


1st Issue-Global Warming or better yet Global Melting

This is one of the most talked about environmental issues, but that doesn't mean any really action is being taken. People talk about this one subject in books(even if it is a science fiction book), on television, in movies, and on the news but what exactly is really happening. Over the year the Earth has been through many different environment changes, but not as saver as today's changes. Even if the World's temperature has only been risen a few degrees, that could change our complete way of life.
The first major affect caused by Global Warming is the Polar Ice Caps melting, putting many animals out of there homes. Also with the caps melting to water our sealines will increase and some places will be flooded, leaving millions of families without a home. There will be no room to put extra people because the world is already over populated and there already is a lack of land and over populate countries.
Another problem about Global Warming is that as soom as all the ice melts the water will evaporate, leaving us, the people, with no water to live with. We will also no longer have our vast oceans and will be left with dried up lands.
The current issue Global Warming is forcing us to face now is an increase of natural disasters. We are currently getting more tsunamis, hurricans, Earth quakes, and other natural disasters than we have ever had in recorded history. It has been scientifically proven that the changes in our atmosphere are the cause for the un-natural increase of the disasters.
It is now up to us to save the rest of the planet, even if we can not undo it completely becuse what's done is done. We, the people who care about our Earth and our future, need to spread the word of Global Warming and let others know that this a more serious issue. We can not let people think that Global Warming is just going to make it a little warmer, and that it will eventually evaperate all our water. We have to deal with this issue now before our future generations have to pay for it.
I suggest that we start to call Global Warming Global Melting, because it says more than just turning up the heat. For more that you can do to help go to: www.dosomething.org/causes/global_warming